PBX | Features | Telefone | XML add-on

Unser Add-on erweitert die CYTEL.iBX (V.3, V.4) um die Funktion, SNOM Telefone(3x0 FW.7.XX / 8xx FW.8.XX) per XML zu provisionieren.
Die Telefone laden alle gewünschten Einstellungen sowie die Teamliste(Directory) automatisch, eine Konfiguration am Endgerät entfällt.

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Ebenso erhalten Sie ein durchweg deutschsprachiges Menü, unabhängig von Modell oder Firmware-Version.

Make your CYTEL.iBX work with new SNOM phones(3x0 FW.7.XX / 8xx FW.8.XX) via XML-Autoprovisioning. Here is how:
! Ensure the NIC connected to the phones LAN is first in sequence, if more than one are installed !
1. Backup CYTEL.iBX dir!
2. Start the installer.
3. Set the install path to "Drive:///Your/CYTEL.iBX/" dir, let the patch run and follow the instructions.
4. You will be asked for your systems dongle-ID, enter and confirm it.
Now setup is going to finish if everything matches.
Got NO SNOM8XX phones? Continue with step 7... Otherwise;

5. Do some basic SIP settings for SNOM8XX phones using the admin GUI.

(No feature keys in adminGUI supported yet, it's on To-Do-list with next upcoming V1.6 Release)

6. Copy (or cut & paste) some fresh generated files like {your-snom-mac}.cfg from the CYTEL.iBX/data/tftp/ dir to CYTEL.iBX/data/www/snom/8x0/ dir. You may also install a "hardlink" to join up these directories permanently (cloned content doesn't matter).
7. Finally, the URL "http://{your-setting-server}:8080" needs to be set in your DHCP's server-option:66 or in the "Setting URL" of the SNOM's "Advanced Settings > Update" Tab.
8. Connect or reset all SNOM phones, that's it.
Each time a name or an extension in the admin GUI's "users" setting has been changed, run the "CYTEL.iBX\bin\makeSnomTBOOK.cmd" and reboot the phones to keep phone directories up to date.
If you want to be kept up-to-date all the time, please visit http://www.netango.de from time to time.


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